Transformers: KissPlay Manga, Issue 2

The story opens with Marissa and Syao Syao on the beach in their swimming suits, seemingly about to kiss.
"Marissa, Marissa..." narrates Syao Syao. "Marissa is the only one who understands..."

Suddenly the scene changes. Marissa is perched on Convoy's shoulder and waving merrily, as Syao Syao screams, "Convoy! No! Don't take Marissa away! Give her back to me!"

Syao Syao awakens from her dream to find herself naked, bound, and in a tube. The words "Ne 04" (the name of her troop and the number of her Autrooper) are written on her body, as is the number 2045.
Syao Syao reacts with confusion, then outrage as she demands in mixed Chinese and Japanese to be freed.

Panting, she looks around at her surroundings and discovers that there are more tubes, with half-eaten EDC members from different troops. Each tube has a Legion head mounted inside it.

Syao Syao's attention turns to a Legion head marked with the number 121, which is noisily eating a naked arm and leg.

"She's being eaten by a Legion..." Syao Syao whispers, as she is overcome by nausea.

At that moment, viscous fluids begin to drip on her face as the Legion head above her (marked number 2045) opens its mouth wide.
Syao Syao screams.

Meanwhile, EDC members surround a prone Convoy (represented by the Masterpiece Convoy toy).

Atari, now dressed in an EDC uniform, is astounded to see the real Convoy.
As Ringo hangs off of Commander Amaou's arm, the commander explains that Convoy had been killed by an enemy Transformer in "the war last year". Convoy had been sleeping in the Transformer fortress in America, but has become a rallying symbol for anti-government guerilla forces. The EDC has been charged with transporting Convoy from Narita International Airport to the EDC Headquarters in Tokyo, and the young ladies of the EDC must protect Convoy from resistance members.

At the same time, the young women of the resistance movement are making plans to steal Convoy.

Marissa watches the EDC procession through binoculars as they cross the bridge.
Marissa confirms that Convoy is in the procession, followed by the commander's car and a truck container in the rear.
She uses her communicator to inform the resistance members that the procession is crossing the bridge as scheduled.

The resistance members remind each other that this is their last chance to get Convoy back, and prepare to explode the bridge.

As Atari looks on in confusion from within her car, the bridge explodes.

Cars are sent flying, as the center of the bridge is destroyed.

The EDC members shout to each other as their forces are divided and the resistance members make their attack.

Acting quickly, the young women of the resistance take over the truck bed bearing Convoy, gunning down any EDC members that get in their way.

Just then, Convoy's chest-panel opens and an Autrooper emerges.

"Too bad, you chose the wrong one! It's Princess Ringo!" chirps Ringo, currently fused with her Autrooper.
She giggles and guns down the fleeing resistance members.
Blood splatters everywhere.

Marissa, having heard the carnage over her communicator, concludes that the first Convoy was a decoy, part of a trap.
She makes her way to the truck container, unsheathes her knife, and attacks the three EDC members posted as guards.

Atari screams to warn her two partners of the danger.
Marissa informs them that she doesn't want to harm them...

...And slashes at their clothing, leaving them mostly in their underwear.
"Now you can't move," she notes as she sheathes her knife.

Suddenly, a Kremzeek bullet strikes Marissa in the back.
"You're the one who can't move," quavers an Autrooper bearing a smoking gun.

Atari recognizes the KissPlayer controlling the Autrooper as her troop mate, Kayu. As the Kremzeek sparks and sizzles, Kayu begs Atari to run away while she can.

Meanwhile, the paralyzed Marissa attempts to unsheathe a larger knife on her back.

She hurls the huge knife, and it slices open the container to reveal the real Convoy (depicted as the original G1 toy). Marissa clasps her hands and sheds tears of joy to see the real Convoy.

Kayu's Autrooper lurches forward to stop Marissa.

"No!" shouts Commander Amaou. "You can't let the Autrooper get close to Convoy!"

Suddenly, the Autrooper has a mysterious reaction to Convoy's presence.
It forcibly ejects a naked and goo-covered (and startled) Kayu, then runs over to Convoy and buries its head in Convoy's chest.

Continue to Part 2 of Transformers: KissPlay Issue 2!

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU