As upbeat music plays in the background, Syao Syao introduces herself. She details how she left the EDC [Earth Defense Army] and is working with a Transformer named Hot Rodimus to expose the dark secret plans of the EDC.

Syao Syao confides that honestly, she's not convinced that she can fully trust these Transformers... but she is beginning to think that Hot Rodimus may be different from the rest. Whenever she is depressed or sad, he cheers her up and encourages her. The other day, he transformed to vehicle mode and took her on a drive. And when she is in danger, he always rescues her.

Most important of all, their two hearts connect whenever she kisses him.
The music changes to sweet, romantic music as Syao Syao explains.

When Syao Syao kisses Hot Rodimus, she can feel her body grow hotter... and she becomes a little sexually aroused. (This is where I screamed in horror.)
She giggles bashfully.

Coughing in embarrassment, Syao Syao announces that in any case, she will use her skills in kung-fu to continue the good fight. As Syao Syao signs off, a gong rings out with an oriental "Bwonnnng!"
(This is where I died a little on the inside, but only after wailing "OH GOD WHY??".)

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU