Atari awkwardly introduces herself.
She works day and night to achieve peace along with her Transformer partner, Autrooper.
She is a Kiss Player.
She worries that the people around her just see her as the strange girl who kisses Transformers all the time, regardless of whether people are watching.

Atari wails that she is so humiliated that she wants to die.

Atari hastily adds that although Autrooper is a man-made, mass-produced Transformer, to her he is a reliable partner who always protects her and is kind.
But depending on the situation, she is forced to kiss him no matter the time or place.
She wails again at the thought of anyone she knows seeing her kiss the robot.

Furthermore, Atari must kiss him well in order to have a successful fusion.
She wonders what good kissing involves.
She wails once more as she worries about her future.

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU