Marissa introduces herself as the Kiss Player supporting the Cybertron commander, Convoy.
She proudly declares that besides having the special ability to wield knives, she is also a professional-level surfer.

On days off, she pesters Convoy to drive to the beach and puts her favorite pink surfboard in his truck bed.
Her voice echoes strangely as she describes how she blows his mind with her sexy white bikini. (This is where I screamed in horror.)

She wonders if by kissing Convoy, she could give him her surfing ability, just as she gives him her knife-wielding skills.
She imagines that if Convoy became a surfer, he would require a "Big, bigger, and BIGGEST!" surfboard.

Marissa giggles that when she brought this up with Convoy, he told her that he had already had surfing experience.
He and his comrades had surfed on a tsunami several dozen meters high.
"Oh, I wonder if that's true," she muses to herself.

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU