Atari begins by reminding herself that she must start by introducing herself.
She does so, explaining that, partnered with the Transformer Autrooper, she works daily to bring peace to the people. She trails off uncertainly as she begins to question whether she is successful in her mission.

She sighs and thinks of how strange it is that a new recruit like herself has been cast in the front lines of battle, and that furthermore, her first partner is not a human, but a robot.
Before she knew it, she had become a Kiss Player.

She wonders if her abilities as a Kiss Player are really helping Autrooper.
She recalls how Marissa and Convoy have saved her several times, clearly gaining great power through their kissing.

Atari suspects that her own kisses may not be good enough.
She vows to practice kissing so that she will become a good kisser.
Atari then cries out in embarrassment at her own shameful words.

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU