Transformers: KissPlay Manga, Issue 1 Part 2
Click here to read Issue 1 Part 1!

The fused Atari-Autrooper begins a vicious assault on the Legion, screaming "Die" over and over again.
The Legion's head is ripped off, still screaming, as a sinister grinning Atari is shown in silhouette.

The Legion's head drops to the ground near Amaou, tongue still hanging out.

"It died," whispers Atari, coming to her senses.

Without warning, a viscous fluid begins to pour out of her mouth.

. . .

. . .

Dawn breaks, and Atari awakens in a strange room, still completely naked.
As she wonders where she is, a young girl in an EDC uniform appears at her window, sitting on the shoulder of an Autrooper.

"Good morning!" chirps the newcomer, who hops into Atari's room.

The confused Atari attempts to cover her nakedness with the bedsheets.

The pigtailed EDC member introduces herself as Ringo-chan, telling Atari that she may call her Princess Ringo.

As Atari continues to bashfully hide her nudity, Ringo gets on the bed with her and puts her arms around Atari's shoulders.

"So this is the KissPlayer who's even more amazing than Syao-sama? Hmmmm," says Ringo.
She wonders aloud what flavor Atari is, and kisses the shocked Atari on the mouth.

As Atari sweats and resists Ringo's open-mouthed kiss, a loud crunching sound is heard.

Atari screams and shoves Ringo off of the bed.

Ringo wipes her mouth and cheerfully welcomes Atari to the EDC, as Atari cowers and bleeds profusely from the mouth.

Meanwhile, at Narita International Airport, an airplane with EDC markings lands.

From a location overlooking the tarmac, a mysterious blonde in a skintight black outfit watches.

"This is Marissa," she reports via cellular phone. "The package has arrived."

As the EDC airplane's cargo doors open to reveal G1 Convoy's Head, Marissa smiles lovingly, and says "It's been a long time... Convoy."

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU