Transformers: KissPlay Manga, Issue 2 Part 2
Click here to read Issue 1 Part 1!

Marissa looks on in horror as the Autrooper's body turn into tentacles and begin to meld with Convoy's body.
She calls out to Convoy in alarm.

"The Autrooper is absorbing Convoy...!" Amaou observes.

As the Autrooper continues to absorb Convoy's body, Marissa tearfully refuses to give up on Convoy.

She recalls her childhood with Convoy. "So big, and warm... he embraced me so gently. Was he like a papa to me? No... he was more special than that..."

She goes to the fused Convoy-Autrooper, and says that she has waited so long to see him again... and tells him that she will give him a kiss.

The trailer that previously contained Convoy breaks in two and catches on fire.

Out of the wreckage, Convoy appears in his new KissPlay form, with a naked Marissa transposed over his body.

"She's a KissPlayer too?!" exclaims Atari. "And that's Convoy!!!!"

Meanwhile, Legion 2045 makes grinding noises as it emits slimy tentacles from its mouth.

Syao Syao fights back desperately, biting at the tentacles.
The tentacles bunch up and hit her in the abdomen, causing her to cough violently.
She screams at the Legion, cursing at it in Chinese and calling it "octopus" and "squid".

As Syao Syao screams in desperation, something fiery bursts through the ceiling and crashes.

Syao Syao wonders aloud whether it is a shooting star, then realizes that it is instead a Transformer that burns bright and red as a shooting star.
As Hot Rodimus (represented by the G1 toy) picks himself up out of the rubble, Syao Syao demands to know who he is.

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU