"Atari-chan Kiki Ippatsu?! (Atari's Close Call?!)" is an audio-only play that was included with the Transformers: KissPlay toy Atari X Autorooper (Atari Meets Autrooper). It stars Satomi Akisaka as Atari Hitotonari, Keiji Hirai as Autrooper, and Hirofumi Tanaka as Legion.
The following is a synopsis and partial transcript of the 10 minute play.

Cheerful music plays, and birdsong is heard as Atari yawns and says good morning. As a cuckoo clock sounds in the background, Atari happily eats her breakfast and comments that today's breakfast is particularly delicious.

The cuckoo clock sounds again. Suddenly, Atari begins to whimper and cry out in pain.

"What's wrong, Atari?" asks Autrooper in a robotic voice.

"My tummy hurts!" wails Atari. "It seems there was a Legion in the omelette that I had for breakfast! Oww..."

"Omelet?" Autrooper repeats.

"It hurts!" Atari cries.

"Vomit, Atari." Autrooper commands. "Vomit like you always do."

"Owww..." whimpers Atari.

"There is nothing else that can be done," concludes Autrooper. "Atari, it is time for a kiss. Kiss me, and give me a new power."

"What are you going to do?" Atari asks. "Ow..."

"Never mind that. Hurry!" demands Autrooper.

Atari whimpers, then asks: "Are you sure it's okay...?"

Autrooper's voice becomes gentle and tender. "Close your eyes," he tells Atari.

Atari makes a sound of acquiescence. Her voice turns echoey as she makes soft moaning and gasping sounds of pleasure.

A strange sound is heard.

"Huh?" Atari says in surprise. "Autrooper has become tiny! ...So now what?"
There is a brief pause.
"D-Don't tell me...!" gasps Atari.

"It is just as you think!" squeaks Autrooper in a robotic falsetto. "I will go inside you and destroy Legion!"

"W... That doesn't really solve any--"

"TRANSFORM!" cries the tiny Autrooper, interrupting Atari. The G1 transformation sound is heard, followed by the sound of a car engine and Atari's struggles as something forcibly enters her mouth against her protests.

Atari screams, then gulps. "I...swallowed..." she whimpers.

Meanwhile, Autrooper shouts in alarm as he plunges down Atari's gullet. He eventually lands with a thud.

"So this is what it is like inside Atari," he muses. "It is... warm."

"What?!" shrieks Atari. "Oh, I can't believe this! Hurry up and defeat that Legion, then get out of me!"

As Autrooper checks his human body navigation system data, he identifies his location as as the esophagus. "Which direction is the stomach?" he wonders aloud.

"Just around the corner from the tobacconist, guv'nor!" a cheerful male voice informs him.

"Ah, the tobacconist," Autrooper sagely notes, before realizing: "Wait, you are a Legion!"

Shots are heard, and a tiny voice chirps "Kremzeek!" as the Legion laughs and runs away.

Atari screams in pain. "My insides are being torn apart!" she weeps. "Don't fire Kremzeek bullets inside of my digestive system!"

"Curse you, you fleet-footed foe!" shouts Autrooper, as he continues firing.

His pursuit brings him to his next destination, the stomach.

"So this is the stomach," Autrooper narrates. Suddenly, he receives a shock!
"Atari...!" a dismayed Autrooper says. "Late last night, you snuck out to eat cheesecake and mont blanc and a pumpkin tart...!"

Atari screams in shame. "No! You're the absolute worst!"
She whimpers a bit before declaring "I just can't hold it any longer...!"

"There's an eclair here too," Legion helpfully points out.

"LEGION!" barks Autrooper, as exciting music plays and he begins to fire once more.


"NO!" Atari says. "I asked you not to fire inside me..."

"Out of ammo," Autrooper observes, before leaping on to Legion and grappling with him physically. Autrooper and Legion make grunts of exertion.

"No, please stop!" wails Atari. "It hurts! Don't move around so roughly inside me!"

Ignoring Atari's pleads, Autrooper and Legion continue to battle. Eventually, Legion screams and a loud splash is heard.

"Have a taste of Atari's digestive fluid!" Autrooper says in triumph.

Legion screams and splashes about. Drowning and spluttering sounds are heard.
"Help me!" he begs. "No! I don't want to die!"

The splashes are joined by vomiting noises. Eventually, Legion's screams trail away into deadly silence.

"He was a formidable opponent," notes Autrooper. Suddenly, he cries out in alarm.

"What's wrong, Autrooper?" asks Atari. "You defeated Legion for me, right?"

"Atari, I have some slightly disappointing news..." Autrooper begins, "and some incredibly disappointing news."

"Wh-What do you mean?" Atari demands.

"First, my energy has run out, and I cannot move. Second, when my energy runs out, my body returns to the original size."

"Huh?" asks Atari. Then, as she realizes what Autrooper is saying, she screams in horror. "No! No!"

"Atari..." Autrooper says with some difficulty. "Calm down. I will use the last of my energy to engage in Transwarp."

"T-Transwarp...?" Atari repeats.

"Listen well, Atari" says Autrooper. "Listen well."

"Mm-hm," Atari whispers.

"You and I... we have been through a lot since we met. It has been a long partnership."

Atari interrupts. "It's been less than half a year!"

Autrooper ignores her interjection. "Atari, listen well. What is your goal?"

"My...goal...?" repeats Atari.
"It's to work with you, Autrooper, and defeat all the Legions... so that Mama and Papa who are up in the sky can rest in peace."

"Yes... up in the sky..." Autrooper says.
"Now, take that finger you point up at that sky... AND STICK IT DOWN YOUR THROAT!!!"

Atari wails. "You said you'd warp!"

Autrooper ignores her. "Here we go! TRANSWARP!"

Strange mechanical sounds are heard, followed by Atari coughing and retching. There is a slightly wet thud.

"I'm home," Autrooper announces.

"Idiot," Atari mumbles.

"Idiot?" Autrooper repeats.

Atari continues to hurl insults as Autrooper as he protests, calling her cruel and then ordering her to calm down. As Atari's tirade continues, he tells her, then begs her to stop before finally apologizing for his deception.

Atari screams an insult at Autrooper one last time before the cheery rock'n'roll ending music begins.

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