Amidst splashing sounds and trickling water, Marissa hums happily.
Her voice echoes as though she is in a bathroom.

She giggles and announces (in pseudo-American-accented Japanese) that today, she has a new boyfriend.
(This is where I died a little on the inside.)
His name is Convoy. He has a metal body, is a giant over 4 meters tall, is a Transformer, and furthermore is the commander of the Cybertron army. He had been captured and bound, and kept in a deep sleep.

Even now, she can remember how she surrendered her body to his cold, steel breast. She was surprised by how forward she was as she slowly approached his face and gave him a warm embrace and loving kiss.

Convoy was awakened by her kiss, and shouted "Transform!" in a deep, magnificently commanding voice. He then changed from a humanoid giant to a crimson car.

Today, a new life of adventure has begun for Marissa and her new boyfriend, Convoy, the Commander of the Cybertron Army.

Layout elements from and Mari's IROEMPITSU